Tuesday 1 August 2017

Forte Oil Records Improved Profit Despite Depressed Revenue

Forte Oil in its half year 2017 financials had revenue decline by 22% to N66bn, cost of sales depreciated by 26% translating to a 1% fall in gross profit to N12.1bn. Operating expense dipped by 22% to N5bn leading to a 2% rise in operating profit to N7.6bn. Pre-tax profit grew by 11% to N4.7bn, while a 69% drop in income tax led to an after-tax profit of N4.1bn.

Balance sheet numbers showed a 4% rise in total assets to N146bn, financial liabilities slipped by 17% to N41bn while total liabilities was up by 2% to N99bn. Net assets grew by 9% by N47bn while working capital turned positive.

Income Statement H1 2017 H1 2016 % Change
Revenue (mn)                         65,648                 84,423 -22.2%
Cost of Sales (mn)                         53,465                 72,060 -26%
Gross Profit (mn)                         12,183                 12,363 -1%
Operating expense (mn)                           5,558                    7,132 -22%
Operating Profit (mn)                           7,633                    6,845 12%
Net Finance Cost (mn)                           2,894                    2,583 12%
PBT (mn)                           4,739                    4,262 11%
Income Tax Credit/Expense  (mn)                               629                    2,029 -69%
PAT (mn)                           4,110                    2,233 84%
Balance Sheet H1 2017 FY 2016 % Change
Fixed Assets (mn)                         67,193                 69,298 -3%
Total Assets (mn)                      146,290               140,756 4%
Cash & Cash Equivalent (mn)                           7,267                 17,044 -57%
Financial Liabilities (mn)                         40,903                 49,424 -17%
Total Liabilities (mn)                         99,127                 97,423 1.7%
Net Assets (mn)                         47,163                 43,333 9%
Working Capital (mn)                           5,008                     (146) -3530%

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