Thursday 3 August 2017

Presco Releases H1 2017 Financials

Presco Plc in its half year 2017 financials had revenue grow by 71% to N13bn, cost of sales was up 14% to N3bn resulting in a 104% rise in gross profit to N10bn. Operating expense spiked 185%,while operating income was up by 62% to N8bn. Pre & after-tax profit grew by 84% to N7.6bn and N5.6bn respectively. 

Balance sheet numbers showed biological assets inched up 1%. while total assets was up 11% to N92bn. Financial liabilities rose by 31% to N7.8bn while total liabilities grew by 11% to N34bn. Net assets increased by 11% while working capital improved by 51%. See details below.

Income Statement H1 2017 H1 2016 % Change
Revenue (mn)               12,826             7,518 71%
Cost of Sales (mn)                  3,139             2,758 14%
Gross Profit (mn)                  9,687             4,760 104%
Operating expense (mn)                  2,510                 881 185%
Operating Income (mn)                  7,246             4,505 61%
Operating Income Including Biological Assets (mn)                  8,348             5,164 62%
Finance Cost (mn)                     316                 303 4%
PBT (mn)                  7,598             4,127 84%
Income Tax/Credit (mn)                  2,043             1,114 83%
PAT (mn)                  5,555             3,013 84%
Balance Sheet H1 2017 FY 2016 % Change
Fixed Assets (mn)               24,931           22,445 11%
Biological Assets (mn)               45,546           44,920 1%
Total Assets (mn)               92,151           83,162 11%
Financial Liabilities (mn)                  7,815             5,961 31%
Total Liabilities (mn)               34,476           31,043 11%
Net Assets (mn)               57,675           52,119 11%
Working Capital (mn)               15,077             9,998 51%

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